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Screening a tenant has rarely been so easy

Want to be sure who you are doing business with? Try Rentscreen to easily combat rent fraud and undermining! We check everything from identity to credit check and income.

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All in house

Rent faster, safer and better with Rent Screen. The total solution from screening to final inspection.

Starting the assignment

Easy to get started with automatic OTD and landlord screening options


Requests automatically tracked thanks to our AI-mail recognition. How easy!

Tenant screening

Hire safe with top-level screening suitable for all types of candidate


In 1-click admit and reject candidates. With a second click a correct rental agreement

How does it work?

Rentscreen does more than just screen! Thanks to smart automation, we provide a worry-free rental process from OTD to final inspection. Nothing must, everything goes, you decide!

New: lead processing

Process contact requests better? You can do this quickly and easily with our seamless website link, or AI-mail link. That way you never miss a potential tenant again!

The benefits for home seekers:

Good Landlord Act

Rentscreen provides an objective and structured selection based on objective characteristics.

Less paperwork

Our smart checks allow candidates to submit information digitally from the source. No more fiddling with copies.

Smart, safe and accessible

Rentscreen is experienced in onboarding. We provide the best possible user experience!

Rental safe

All the checks you need!

Tenant screening? We offer every possible check to really know it's right!

ID check 🌎
DigiD link
PEP check
AI analysis documents 🔎
My Government link
Credit check tenant
Many more
tenant screen rental

Thanks to Huurscreen you avoid a lot of unnecessary paperwork. Not only better and more user-friendly for the candidate, but you also save an average of half an hour per file!

benefits Huurscreen

Huurscreen is the cheapest provider in the Netherlands, so you know immediately where you stand! Prefer to try it out first? No worries, you can screen your first tenant for free.

Huurscreen prices


At Huurscreen, every day we try to make the work of real estate professionals easier. One way we do this is through a transparent pricing model and user-friendly candidate screening.

Yes! Our software is composed of smart routes: for example, should a candidate be unable to perform a certain check (such as DigiD), we offer an alternative free of charge in a split second! This allows every candidate to be screened qualitatively.

In principle, no. By using validated government sources, identity and income can be easily established. This eliminates the need to focus on (fraud-sensitive) statements and pay stubs!

We provide our software to business parties who are required by law to process tenant data. These can be brokers, but also intermediaries or property managers. 

We value privacy and data security. Candidates are therefore always aware of the data we collect and eventually share. To guarantee security, Huurscreen has its own system tested several times a year by an independent agency.

Also screening a tenant directly? Sign up right away using the button below. Using a few details you can create an account and get started right away!

Directly a tenant screen?

Also curious about how our software can provide better files as well as big savings in time and costs?
